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  • C-Sema Team

#116Stories: Parents need help adjusting too.

A mother called the helpline seeking advice after her 17-year-old daughter Beatrice became Pregnant. She was in form two at the time. The case was reported to the police station and eventually went to court. The perpetrator was sentenced to 30 years in prison. Mama Beatrice's concern was her daughter's future and education.

The Helpline Counsellor sat down with Mama Beatrice and had a session with her to assist her in managing her fears and get her stress levels in check. She was also encouraged to focus on Beatrice and help her as she transitioned to motherhood.

The counselor also talked to her about Beatrice's education and that despite it being difficult for her to go back to the normal school system there were other good opportunities in private schools where she would be able to study and fulfil her dreams.

She was encouraged to be positive and assist her daughter to overcome this challenge and also help her raise the baby so that when the time was right Beatrice could go back to school being sure that her baby was in good hands.

Kwa maoni na ushauri tupigie simu namba 116 ambayo ni maalumu kwa huduma za mtoto nchini. Huduma hii haitozi malipo toka mitandao yote nchini. Vilevile unaweza kutupata kupitia ukurasa wetu wa Facebook: Sema Tanzania; Twitter: @SemaTanzania na

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