Childline Zanzibar

C-Sema has worked in Zanzibar since 2015 and although the organisation is registered as C-Sema it operates and serves the community under the brand and logo of the Childline Zanzibar. ChildLine Zanzibar in collaboration with UNFPA, has trained counsellors on responding to crisis calls during the emergency situations like that of COVID-19 and other pandemic outbreaks, how to identify and respond to GBV and VAC survivors and prioritise their services in regards to human rights.
This year...

1644 contacts received by the Child Helpline

Over 10,000 children and youths reached

#MrejeshoBot on young people feedback on SRHR services was accessed by over 3,000
The #MaleziBot is an extention of the helpline services targeting young people and young parents who would chat with the AI bots instead of calling the helpline. The #MaleziBot Zanzibar reached about 2,000 young people in 2020. The The Ministry of Health Zanzibar through Integrated Reproductive and Child Health Programme (IRCHP) received funds from United Nations Population Funds (UNFPA) for the purpose of strengthening Sexual Reproductive Health (SRHR) Youth Friendly Services, Family Planning, Emergency Obstetric Care and human resource for health. Particularly, the ministry contracted C-Sema to build a youth friendly platform to help gather timely feedback on service availability vs. service quality, at the SRH Youth Friendly Services (YFSCs) facilities. This is the genesis of the #MrejeshoBot which managed to reach over 3,000 young people in 2020

The KUWAZA (Kuzuia Unyanyasaji wa Watoto Zanzibar) programme is a three-year multi- component VAC prevention and response intervention funded by the Oak Foundation.
Implemented by three partners (Pathfinder International Tanzania, ActionAid Tanzania, and C-Sema), the KUWAZA program aims to reduce sexual violence against children (SVAC) in Unguja North, Zanzibar. KUWAZA is a collaborative community-based program with interventions aimed at various segments of the community including children, parents, teachers, religious leaders, and community leaders.
SRHR for Youth in Zanzibar
Childline Zanzibar has worked with the Ministry of Health Zanzibar through its department of Integrated Reproductive and Child Health Programme (IRCHP) with support from UNFPA, to develop an e-platform for feedback on SRH services provided to youth in Zanzibar.
#Mrejesho, which simply means ‘feedback’ was the name assigned to WhatsappBot with features that allow seamless feedback and generates data with a visual dashboard to SRHR for Youth in Zanzibar 15 track trends on the bot. It allows youth to access correct information about SRH education and provide feedback on the SRH quality of services provided to youth through youth friendly health service centres in Zanzibar.
To use the service, WhatsApp users can save the number (0779 109 990) to their phone contacts,

Stories from Zanzibar